Thursday, April 7, 2011

Support for Anna Hazare snowballs on Day 3

Thirty two people including four women successfully completed their third day of fasting as 20 different groups carried out rallies through various areas of South Mumbai like the GPO, Churchgate, Nariman Point, Mantralaya, Colaba and Cuffe Parade. The volunteers had worn caps stating ' I am Anna Hazare'. " We want to display that this is not the fight of only Hazare, but each and everyone of us is Hazare and we would fight together to get this bill passed," said Mayank Gandhi, leader of this movement in Mumbai.

The group also started a new campaign distributing white ribbons named ( corruption ko kaho katti, bandho safed patti) which literally means say no to corruption and tie white ribbons on your shirts in protest against corruption.

This campaign was launched by Ratna Magothla, 64, who is the senior most protestor fasting in Mumbai. " I think corruption is such an issue that everyone is motivated to fight against it as almost everyone has been a victim of it at some point of time" said Magothra.

The group also criticized the response of politicians over the bill. Though many political parties are trying to gain mileage out of this movement, the group has clarified that they won't be entertaining any political group at their stage. The Lok Satta Party activists and supporters will be taking out processions and organising mass satyagraha all over the state on April 8 and 9 in support of Hazare.

" If any politician would come and try to speak on the stage, everyone is free to remove him from the podium" informed Gandhi.

Around 5 lakh people would be joining the people on fast to show their solidarity on Saturday, mainly from the steel and plastic industries as both these sectors have declared an off on that day. The group has also been receiving strong support from the retail and trade associations.

" Everyone who offers bribe is himself a victim of corruption because the system has become such that people want to stay away from legal procedures and take the easy path available" said Gandhi.

Candlelight marches have also been planned outside all the railway stations.

The marches would be carried out outside all railway stations throughout the city on Friday evening. The march would not require a leader, as everyone would just have to walk with a candle to the station.

As the movement is gaining momentum people from all over Maharashtra have come to Mumbai and extended their support.

People from Pune, Satara, Jalgaon, Ahmednagar and many rural places have joined the fasting residents in Mumbai. " I would like to request the UPA government to pass the Lokpal bill as soon as possible and don't test the patience of the people, because if we come out on the streets then the government would fall in a day," said Ramesh Kamlakar, a resident from Jalgaon.


Unknown said...

I would like to thank Anna Hazare for initiating this great cause for the future of our country and its children.
I request all my fellow Indians to be a part of this great cause, to free our society from the menace of corruption. Please try to be a part of this great crusade in what ever way possible, however small it may be, so that our children may live in a better world.

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