Thursday, March 31, 2011

Alarming facts of child sex ratio in Census of India 2011

Preliminary statistics from the 2011 Census show that the child sex ratio — the number of females against that of males — has declined further since the last Census 10 years ago. The figure now stands at 914 females for every 1,000 males — the lowest since 1947.

Are we really a nation that so hates its female population that despite being aware of what the absence of women can mean for any society — certain death for they are, after all, the reproducers — we continue to kill them even before they are born? We have plenty of evidence now to show that in some villages in Haryana, there are no women at all. So when it comes to seeking marriage partners, men have to ‘ import’ them from other states.

There’s also evidence to show that despite being made illegal, sex-determination tests are rampant, with doctors making money hand over fist and in collusion with heartless parents.

And yet, we’re a country of remarkable developments where women are concerned. Our Constitution gives women equal rights and respect; we have women in top positions in virtually every sphere of life; we have some of the most progressive pieces of legislation in the world; we have a dynamic and strong women’s movement … the list could go on and on.

So what is it then that continues to act against women? The alarm at the declining sex ratio has led the government to recruit religious leaders into the campaign for the girl child. Big amounts are spent on posters, advertisements and stories that value the girl child. But none of this seems to change anything. Why is that? Perhaps it’s time we asked ourselves some hard questions.

Among all the many media messages the state has put out about girl children, or about health, why has there never been a concerted campaign to establish that it is the man who is responsible for the sex of the foetus, not the woman? If that knowledge were to become widespread, would so many women be targeted for producing female children? And would female children themselves be killed in the womb? Equally, is it any use recruiting messages out about been establish who the to so producing And themselves recruiting religious leaders into the campaign, or even secular ones, if everything else that they do, acts against women?

Remember it was not so long ago that the Chief Justice of India made a public statement that it was ‘unnatural’ for women to work outside the home. We’re an odd people — we’re ready to ban a book, or indeed make it a crime, to insult or critique Gandhi, and yet women in this country get insulted every day, every second, and we don’t do anything about it.

Perhaps the only tiny ray of hope is that after so many years, the legal system has finally held a handful of doctors guilty for performing sex- selection tests. If punishment is the only way we learn, here’s hoping theirs will be severe and it will act as a deterrent to others — although it almost seems as if that is too much to hope for. The truth is that a country that so devalues its women does not deserve to pride itself on its economic growth, if it’s a growth built on the mass murder of its girl children.


Unknown said...

I am a complainant under the P.N.D.T act as my husband and in-laws wanted me to abort my daughters after a sex determination test done fraudulently on me. I filed many complaints with NCW, DCW, health minister, C.D.M.O, etc and in fact... met the chairperson NCW personally too to help me . Till date I have not received any help from them. Not once they have tried to raise the issue. If they only want to speak in front of media , and not do any thing when a woman who is trying to fight the menace of female feticide alone, than their words mean nothing. Every government official has tried to persuade me from withdrawing my complaints against the doctor, hospital, and my husband and in-laws. In-fact one government official asked me to give my husband a son if that's what he desires and not to spoil my life by filling a complaint under the P.N.D.T act. Since past 3 years I have been fighting alone to save my daughters and the fight is not only against my husband and in laws but also against these very officials who in front of media talk big, but otherwise harass any woman who dares to speak out.
So the questions which need to be answered are that why the government is expressing its shock when the sex ratios have dipped. The questions which need to be asked are who is responsible for the decline in the sex ratios. The big question is WILL BE ANSWERABLE TO OUR FUTURE GENERATIONS WHO WILL BEAR THE BRUNT OF OUR INACTION TODAY.DO WE ALL KEEP QUITE OR DO WE DO OUR BIT TO STOP THIS GENDERCIDE.

Unknown said...

Our esteemed Chief Minister Smt Sheila Dixitji had very proudly declared in 2008, that the sex ratios of Delhi have been reversed. She had very proudly stated that in 2008, there were 1004 girls born for every 1000 boys…. So where are those girls?

A study conducted had shown how the government of Delhi has even gone to the extent of violating the orders of Honorable Supreme Court in order to shield the guilty. Supreme Court of India in CEHAT Vs U.O.I (Centre For Enquiry Into Health And Allied Themes (C.E.H.A.T) & Ors V. Union Of India & Ors [2003] Rd-Sc 444 (10 September 2003), , had very clearly stated that any clinic found doing pre-natal tests without registration under the P.C-P.N.D.T act had to prosecuted in the court of law. A reply given to a R.T.I. application showed how our government authorities were letting of such clinics, and not filling any complaints.

Similarly the P.C-P.N.D.T act is very clear on the fact that if records are not being maintained properly it amounts to sex determination and the case has to be filed in the court of law. The burden is upon the doctor conducting the ultrasound to prove that he has not conducted sex determination. Various clinics in have been found not keeping records properly and no court cases have been filed against them.

When the accused under the act know that there will be no action against them, and the government is there to save them, then they will continue the illegal activities.

National Support and Monitoring Cell gave a five month (15th May -14th October 06) activity report in October 2006 after analyzing the implementation of the act in various states. They found that in Delhi there was no list of the 81 complaints/ prosecutions supposedly launched by the State Authorities. Court cases were supposedly launched only against 3 out of 35 unregistered establishments found during raids. There were no details available against the status of the cases in these 3 court cases also.

There were 46 more complaints in which the State Authorities were supposed to initiate action. Out of these 46, in 1 clinic registration has been canceled, in 1 clinic fine was imposed of Rs.15,000/- only. Court cases were launched against 19 cases, out of which 8 cases were later withdrawn at various stages. (source- Five Month Activity Report Of National Support And Monitoring Cell from 15th May -14th October 06 (

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